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Circle F Horse Rescue

02/22/2018 Lumber
(6) 10ft. - 6x6 (12) 14ft. - 2x10 (28) 12ft. - 2x4 15 bags pours mix concrete 30 joist hangers 12 sheets 3/4: plywood

Circle F Horse Rescue

02/06/2018 Fencing Posts
Require pressure treated fencing posts; 4inch to 5inch in diameter, and 6 ft high. Estimate around 30 for now.

Circle F Horse Rescue

02/06/2018 Bedding for Stalls
Require bags of wood pellets. They are by far the most cost effective, they last longer and easily dispersed of.

Circle F Horse Rescue

02/06/2018 Sand
We are in need of approximately 1700 sq. meters x 10 cm deep of footing to redo surface/add to our current paddock, create ISO footing and create our round pen footing. SUGGESTION: Sechelt Sand

Circle F Horse Rescue

02/06/2018 Lumber
Require (2x6x20ft) lift would be perfect. Need to replace old fencing on three fields