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Mountain Valley Developmental Services

11/20/2014 Books
MVDS does a lot of reading - whether we are reading to our individuals or they are reading to themselves, we always need new, creative books. Please remember that though our guys are adults, their reading level stays around 6-10 years old, so we don't need a lot of chapter books if that's ok! Thanks!

Mountain Valley Developmental Services

11/20/2014 iPads
Did you know that some of the most amazing aps are available to support individuals with disabilities throughout their day? It's true! iPads can help individuals in community jobs, remind them to take care of themselves, and even prompt them through more complicated tasks like administering medication or following mult-step tasks.

Mountain Valley Developmental Services

11/20/2014 Art Supplies
MVDS does a lot of art and is always accepting donations of art supplies - especially those things that are age appropriate for our adults to use. Crayons and coloring books are a little young for most of our folks. We are always seeking canvases, beads, paint, paint brushes, creative ideas and fun people to lead our groups through the creative process!